Here, we would like to provide you with important information, in case you think you might have tuberculosis:
• Typical clinical signs of tuberculosis are cough, fever and fatigue. This makes it difficult to distinguish from other diseases. If these symptoms persist for more than 3 weeks, tuberculosis can be the underlying cause. Also, night sweats and and unintended weight loss can occur.
• If you are experiencing any of these or other symptoms, please see a doctor. Especially a family doctor, paediatrician or lung specialist can be helpful in this case. Here you find a registry of doctor’s practice/office.
• Please wear a mask at all times when in contact with other people.
• If you know other people who experience similar symptoms, please inform them about the opportunity of getting medically examined (or bring them along to your own consultation).
• Tuberculosis is a curable disease in most cases. An early diagnosis can positively affect the prognosis on complete healing. If tuberculosis remains untreated, it can be transmitted to other people. Children are a particularly vulnerable group for transmission, even if they are BCG-vaccinated.