The German Tuberculosis Archive

The German Tuberculosis Archive (DTA) was founded 1996 in Fulda by the pulmologist Dr Kropp. Since 2011, it has been located in Heidelberg in the Rohrbacher Schlösschen on the grounds of the Thorax Clinic Heidelberg. Various historically valuable exhibits on the subject of tuberculosis were collected over many years. Books, x-rays, historical preparations, images, and films were provided by lung sanatoriums, specialised lung clinics, health authorities, other museums, and private individuals.

In the library, there are about 7000 books and monographs on the subject of tuberculosis. The other exhibition rooms are arranged according to different focal points.

A milestone in the history of tuberculosis was the discovery of the tuberculosis pathogen by Robert Koch in 1882 and the development of antibiotics around 1950. The once incurable disease has thus opened up new avenues for effective therapy. In the middle of the 18th century, tuberculosis was a highly devastating disease. Statistics, pictures, and moulages from the 18th century illustrate the extent of the disease. Models, exhibits, and images from the middle of the 19th century take us back to the time of sanatoriums and tuberculosis care. Surgical equipment and instruments such as historical X-rays illustrate the surgical approaches. Until the 1950s, bovine tuberculosis also played a major role in Germany. The distribution of M. bovis via milk and corresponding clinical pictures are illustrated by animal preparations and moulages.

The long suffering and hopelessness of those suffering from tuberculosis were immeasurable. Contemporary witnesses from all areas of art illustrate this.

The museum offers visitors historical insight into the achievements of tuberculosis control.

Contact address for guided tours or medical research enquiries:


The German Tuberculosis Archive at the Thorax Clinic of the University Hospital of Heidelberg, Röntgenstr. 1, D-60126 Heidelberg


The DTA is maintained by the Förderverein Deutsches Tuberkulose-Archiv e.V. (German Tuberculosis Archive Association). Become a member of the association and support our work.

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