Tasks of the DZK
The main areas of activity of the German Central Committee against Tuberculosis (DZK) are:
The DZK is concerned with answering questions from doctors and patients through a network of doctors specialising in tuberculosis. In addition, recommendations for action and informational material are provided. In June 2017, the DZK published the “Guideline for diagnosis and therapy of tuberculosis in adulthood” in the journal Pneumology. The fields of work of the DWK include statements on current political issues of tuberculosis care and support for the public health system as well as scientific projects.
Cooperation with national institutes
- Robert Koch Institute (RKI)
- National Reference Centre for mycobacteria/Borstel (NRZ)
- Public Health Service
- German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin; DGP)
- Regional Society for Pneumology
- Board of Trustees Tuberculosis in the World
- German Society for Technical Cooperation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit; GTZ)
- Employer’s liability insurance association for health service and welfare work
- International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union)
- World Health Organization (WHO) Global Stop TB Partnership
- Tuberculosis Surveillance Research Unit (TSRU)
- Euro‑TB Dutch Tuberculosis Organisation (KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation)
- European Respiratory Society (ERS) Stop TB Partnership for Europe
- as well as representatives of many other international institutions
Monitoring of national and international tuberculosis developments
Monitoring of national and international epidemiological tuberculosis development and its possible direct and indirect effects on Germany → optimisation of prevention strategies (e.g. therapy of latent tuberculosis infection, environmental investigation, infection prevention)
Support and advice for international tuberculosis projects
Support, advice, and, if necessary, implementation of national and international tuberculosis projects (e.g. tuberculosis problems among immigrants, in community institutions, and in the prison system)
Lectures and courses (e.g. at the Public Health course of studies at the TU Berlin, International Health TropedEurop course of studies in Berlin, basic course on tuberculosis for specialists in health offices)
- Tuberculosis in the elderly in Germany (in cooperation with the Robert Koch Institute)
- Survey on tuberculosis among general practitioners
- DZK multi-centre study “Studies on tuberculosis in Germany: molecular epidemiology, resistance situation, and treatment” 2001–2004 in cooperation with the public health service and the respective laboratories (study management): R. Loddenkemper, D. Sagebiel; sponsored by the BMG)
- DZK study on epidemiology in Germany 1996–2000 in cooperation with the public health office (head of study, M. Forßbohm; funded by BMG)
- Investigation into the tuberculosis situation in Berlin prisons 1996–1998 (B. Hauer)
- For further information, see Publications
- Publication of expert reports/recommendations prepared in cooperation with national and international experts
- Lectures and poster presentations at national and international congresses
- Publications in national and international journals and reference books
- Preparation of an annual report on the German and international tuberculosis situation and other topics
Public relations work
- Contact person for the press, radio, and television for all questions concerning tuberculosis, in particular press work for World Tuberculosis Day (in cooperation with the RKI)
- Joint press conference with the German Society for Pneumology and Respiratory Medicine (Deutschen Gesellschaft für Pneumologie und Beatmungsmedizin; DGP) during its annual conference
Information and advice
- Education and advice for lay people
- Processing of telephone and written inquiries about tuberculosis
- Contact persons for doctors, medical staff, and other specialists, competent federal and state authorities