Current tuberculosis situation in Germany
As the current tuberculosis situation shows, tuberculosis is a rare disease in Germany In 2018, 5,429 tuberculosis cases were reported to the RKI. This corresponds to a slight decrease in the number of cases reported in 2017 (5,486 cases). The number of multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis cases remains approximately the same. In 2018, 118 of the reported tuberculosis patients had a multi-drug-resistant form. The current statistical recording of the tuberculosis case numbers is carried out by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), which will evaluate and publish this data at the end of the following year in the Epidemiological report.
On World Tuberculosis Day, which takes place every year on 24 March, the RKI publishes a Bulletin on tuberculosis in which the statistically recorded case numbers of the previous year are presented.
Weekly TB update: Epidemiological Bulletin
Annual TB report: Report on the epidemiology of tuberculosis in Germany
Annual infectious disease report: Infectious epidemiology yearbook of notifiable diseases